How to Create an Account

How to List a Product

Switch User Type

Set Home Address

Set Shop Address

Verify Your Shop

Search Map for Products

Connect With a User

How to post a parcel

How to add your bank

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

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  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.

Pigee Support

    • How to post an order

      To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

      Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

      1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
      2. Click ‘Send items’.
      3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
      4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
      5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
      6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
      7. Choose parcel type if requested.
      8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
      9. Select print shipping label.

      Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
      Shipping label reference

      Watch this video to see how to send an order.

    • FAQ
    • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
      1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

      If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

    • What are Pigee points?
    • Are my purchases insured and by who?
      1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

      The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

      Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

    • What are the achievement levels?
    • How do I file an insurance claim?
      1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
    • What do the leagues mean?
    • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
    • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • What is the Pigee mobile Application?

    The Pigee mobile application allows customers to conveniently send home items purchased whilst in a real-world shop.

    This is ideal for tourists who purchase items in markets whilst on their travels but would struggle to fit the items in their suitcase.

    The inconvenience of arranging shipping for purchases on the fly is typically too daunting.  Pigee not only arranges and tracks your shipping, but it also gives you a live price before you buy.

    This is also suitable for expatriates who wish to send for items from their home country.

    Pigee is more convenient and typically cheaper than the direct cost of shipping.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:

    ~ Email

    ~ Mobile

    ~ Facebook

    ~ Google


    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • How it works

    If a seller has a Pigee account, they can list their items for sale either on the fly as requested by a customer or in advance. This is done by taking a photo of the item and noting the key information such as name, size, value, and weight.

    A customer can use their Pigee app to scan the unique QR code of the shop seller to link directly to the sellers’ offerings.

    Once a customer has chosen the items they wish to ship, the app will give them a live cost price including shipping and insurance in the home currency of the user. The value of the purchased item can be paid for in cash or via the app’s wallet.

    Once the transaction is agreed, the seller will securely package the item/s and attach the printed shipping label or written Unique identifier. The parcel will either be collected by the shipping company or delivered to a local delivery point by the seller.

    A tracking number will be issued as soon as the transaction takes place. Both parties will be able to track the parcel each step of the journey to its destination.

    If a customer wishes to reorder items from the same seller once home. They can do so from anywhere in the world via the app.

  • Why Pigee
    • Pigee creates convenience and removes limits.
    • Pigee connects those excluded from the global commerce market.
    • Pigee increases sales that were previously limited to a customer’s carry-on space.
    • Pigee multiplies the income of market sellers by giving them return customers and marketing their offerings to a wider audience.
    • Pigee Creates a reseller market for unique hard to find items from around the world.
  • Verify Account

    Only a shop owner/seller needs to verify their account. This is to help protect buyers.

    A seller can make their first transaction without account verification, but you are not able to send or withdraw money externally or make any further transactions until verification is complete. You cannot receive cash for transactions until verification is complete.

    To complete verification we need three things from you.

    • If you are the owner of the shop you need to verify your account by uploading one of the following ID’s such as:


    National ID

    Driving licence


    • You must:

    Upload a photo of you in front of the shop.


    • and additional verification of control such as:

    Proof of ownership

    Supplier Invoice

  • List items

    To list your items for sale you must take a photograph of the items you wish to sell individually. You will need to give the following information:

    Item Name

                    Item Code



    Type of parcel/Size



    Once an item is listed, a connected buyer can choose to add the item(s) to their virtual shopping basket. The buyer can also select to pay for the item in cash or via the Pigee wallet.

  • Connect with customers.

    To connect with a customer in real life. You can use the Pigee app to display your unique QR code. Other Users can scan your QR code to connect with your shop instantly. You can click share to share your shops unique identifier via any social media method. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • First Transaction

    Your first transaction is designed to be as smooth and simple as possible. Once you have created an account follow the tutorial popups. These will lead you to list and share your first items so that customers can connect with you and pay for shipping.

  • Invite shop staff.

    Multiple users can have access to your shop. Only the administrative verified shop owner has full control. The main owner can add other users as shop staff. Shop staff will have limited control.

  • Understanding user permissions

    A staff member will be able to list and sell items. They cannot however withdraw or send money. A staff member cannot change important information about the shop. The verified shop owner has the ability to increase or reduce some staff user permissions.

  • Seller Responsibilities

    What happens if you do not ship your item?

    When you create an account with Pigee you agree to deliver the purchased item to the nearest drop off point within 24 hours (working days only).


    If you do not do this the following occurs:

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 24 hours. You will receive a reminder.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 48 hours. Your account will be suspended from taking further orders.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 72 hours. Your account will show a negative balance of the purchase amount plus shipping and fees until the item is posted.

    Tracking shows item was not received by postal service within 96 hours. Your account will be suspended indefinitely (pending review)



    What happens if you ship your item in good time?

    Good customer service is rewarded on Pigee.

    If you regularly ship purchases with good packaging and in a timely fashion, customers will like your seller account and give positive feedback.

    Pigee will award you with Pigee points and future customers will know that you are trustworthy and choose to buy from you instead of other sellers.


    This means more money for you.

  • Bundled Packaging

    When you make an order, all items are placed into one package to reduce the cost of shipping. If the items are awkward sizes or too large, items can be separated into separate orders. This will generate more than one tracking number and a separate shipping cost.

  • Secure packaging

    Before you ship any item, make sure your item is packaged properly.

    This includes sturdy and padded packing that prevents items from becoming damaged in transit.

    For a guide on how to package your sold item safely and securely, click here.

  • Packaging sizes
    Format Max weight Max length Max width Max thickness / depth
    Letter 100g 24cm 16.5cm 5mm
    Large Letter 750g 35.3cm 25cm 2.5cm
    Small Parcel 2kg 45cm 35cm 16cm
    Medium Parcel 20kg 61cm 46cm 46cm
    Large parcel 30kg 1.5m 3m length and depth combined
    Tubes Length of the item plus twice the diameter must be less than 104cm, with the greatest dimension less than 90cm.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Sales

    The sales window gives you visual overview of sales separated by time, orders, value and destination country. This information will inform you of where your particular items are most popular. This will help you to focus your sales to customers from certain countries or who meet familiar data points.

    This information will help you to compare growth in your sales and to capture methods to increase your sales.

  • Customers

    Keeping in contact with your customers in an organised way is imperative to good customer service. Good service means more sales for you.

    In the list view you can see which customers currently have live orders with you.

    As a seller you can edit the sizing window based on your own measurements. This is great if you are a tailor or clothes seller. The customer will ned to accept any of these changes.

    You can also click ‘chat’ to message directly with the customer.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee.

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send Money

    Pigee centralises your business transactions. You can pay suppliers directly in this window.

  • Transactions

    The charts and lists here show you income and outcome separated by time and revenue

  • Shop Details

    A shop has one user owner and multiple user staff. Once the shop has been verified by the user owner, all other users will see that the shop has been verified.

    The top panel will give the shop name, owner users email and phone number, completed orders (for seller to view only). Below the top panel users will see all public ‘likes’ and review ratings.

    You can add a photo of either the shop, its logo or shop owner. Next to this photo you will see access to live orders that have been transacted but not yet received.

    In the lower panel you can place your address. This address will be overruled by the GPS location of your device at the time of verifying your shop. This is because not all addresses match the exact location and due to some businesses being mobile.

    The business hours panel will show your opening hours in your own local time zone but will show in the customer or other users’ device in their own local time zone. This helps to avoid confusion.

  • Items for Sale

    When you list an item for sale you can either begin with the Pigee button in the centre of the footer menu or you can begin here by click “Add Item”. This will take you to the camera function to begin the listing flow.

    To view or edit the listings you have, these are in this main window. This window will save you time, so you do not need to keep listing the same item. You can set or increase the quantity of each item you have and publish or unpublish them from customer view.

    We like to keep listing items very quick and efficient. The information you will need to share when listing an item is short name, Code, value, parcel type (Format), weight, description.

  • Send Items

    This section shows an order before completion of transaction. It shows all items with their information.

    The second panel shows the chosen carrier and optional costs including item value and insurance. Insurance is covered as standard but may be removed by the customer only. If the option to include item value is chosen, then the item is paid for using Pigee digital payments. If it is not selected, then payment for the item only is paid in cash between parties. Note that cash can only be paid to sellers who are verified.

    The lower panels show the shipping cost, total shipping cost if different and the total weight.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Open Account

    To open an account, you can click “Create an Account” in the opening pages.

    You can sign up with either of the following methods:





    You can only open your account with one of these methods, but not have multiple access methods.

  • Connect with sellers via QR Code.

    To connect with a seller in real life you can use the Pigee app to scan a sellers QR code to connect with their shop instantly. You can click the shops unique identifier link if it shared with you. To find a potential shop you can search for the seller’s shop name, Unique ID or items in a location.

  • Buyer Protection

    Creating a commerce network of trust and reliability is of core importance. We also understand that not all share those same values, so we use a number of methods and security technologies to ensure that your money is not at risk.

    1. Sellers can only accept cash for a purchase if they have been fully verified. We still also encourage you to make payments via the app for full protection.
    2. Each shop shows if it has been verified or remains unverified.
    3. Sellers can make only one transaction before they are verified.
    4. As soon as the shipping partner receives your purchase from the seller it becomes insured up to $1,000.
    5. Both parties are informed of the location and full route of each item via its tracking status.
    6. Sellers only receive cleared digital payment once the shipping company has accepted receipt of the item.
    7. If a purchase is damaged or lost in transit it can be reordered using the app and will be covered by the insurance.
  • Profile

    Your profile holds your most relevant information. The information here can only be seen by others for whom the particular information is pertinent. All information here is editable by you.

    The top panel shows your full name, email, mobile phone number, public likes and Pigee points.

    The central section shows your chosen avatar photograph. This can be a selfie, uploaded photo or left blank. Next to this avatar is the sizing panel. This panel allows you to update your detailed clothing sizes. This is so tailors and manufacturers can produce custom fitting clothing for you. You may have experienced having suits made for you in India or Singapore for example. Once you have been fitted once this will allow the clothes makers to keep track of your sizing for future orders.

    You are not limited by one sizing. You can add as many size sets as you like for friends and family who may also want to have clothing made.

    The bottom panels show your address. You add your default address but can also add other address as you see fit.

  • Orders

    The order window makes it easy for you to view and search for previous orders. Whilst the order is in transit each order giver the option to live track the order.

    Each order panel represents one parcel. If items needed to be posted in separate parcels, they will show as separate orders. You can view the orders in both list view or calendar view.

    If you click the arrow on any order panel you can view the individual items with full details. At the top you can also see information regarding the seller and the order status. The bottom panel shows the total costs and payment type used.

  • Tracking

    The tracking window is linked to each order. The tracking view is available in Map or Timeline.

    The following details are available. Start point, destination address, live location, Carrier, expected delivery, last updated.

    You can contact the carrier directly using the carrier panel If there is an issue with the delivery. Clicking the mail icon will redirect you away from Pigee

  • Payment

    The payment window has two main options. ‘Payment’ and ‘Income’.

    By pressing the + button whilst in the ‘Payment’ screen you can add alternative methods of payment including credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple pay.

    In the Income window you can set alternative methods to receive and withdraw payment sent to you. This includes PayPal, MPesa, Western Union. You should be aware of external costs to withdraw money when pricing your items for sale.

    All payment information is kept secure and encrypted by the chosen payment vendor. Pigee does not hold your payment information, we only connect you to your payment provider.

  • Send a Tip.

    If you have been happy with your seller’s performance, you can send the shop a tip by clicking the send a tip button. The list of sellers you can tip will only consist of sellers that you have previously made a purchase from.

    When you select “Send Tip” you will be presented with a list of fixed amounts. The higher the tip, the higher the corresponding Pigee points they will receive. There is also a custom amount window if you really want to spoil the seller.

    If you are being asked by sellers to send money and you do not think they should be doing so please report the user and begin a support ticket.

  • Map

    The map screen works as a standard map, which can be especially useful when you are tourist in a new area. Even more useful than that, this map allows you to track down the items you want to buy. You can search your local area by item name, item type, location, or shop name. This makes finding those special purchases all the easier.

    Directly from this map window you can get directions to a shop, contact the seller from Pigee’s chat feature and even place an order if you are unable to get there in person.

  • List

    The shop list view shows you all of the shops you have searched for or are near to your current location.

    At the top panel you click to scan any sellers QR code so that you may connect directly to their shop. The individual panels show the shops name, locations, avatar, ratings and likes. You can also click the heart icon to add the shop to you favourites.

  • Favourites

    The favourites window lists both your favourited shops in one list and items in another.

  • Scan QR Code

    A Pigee QR Code gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Chat

    The chat window allows you to message directly between customers. You can communicate in written text, voice notes and upload photographs. Do not share any sensitive or banking information over this window.

  • Notifications

    This screen informs you of important information from other users and directly from Pigee. You can control notifications in your phone settings.

  • Tracking

    Once an item is packaged correctly and a photo of the packaged item is attached to the buyers account a tracking number will be issued.

    This tracking information can be attached to the package as a QR code or unique number.

    The item will be your responsibility until the item is scanned by the shipping company and tracked as being in their possession.

    Until the item is scanned by the shipping company, you will be liable for the cost of the item.

  • Centre Panel

    The Pigee button can be seen in the centre of the footer menu. The button is blue for customers and pink for sellers.

    When you press the Pigee button the centre panel pops up showing the camera and QR buttons.

    The camera button allows you to ‘snap a photo of your seller’ for your records. This photo can be attached to your records of the shop.

    When you click the QR Code scan button it gives users access to connect directly with other users. If the QR code is of a standard user, it will show the users account and allow you to follow them.

    If the QR code is of a shop it will show you the shops profile and allow you to favourite the shop.

  • Left Panel

    When you swipe to the left you are able to see your statistics, achievements, and friends.

    This information is important to creating a community of Pigee users. Pigee points, Likes and feedback allow users to know who they can trust and increases the sales of those who offer the best customer service.

  • Right Panel

    When you swipe to the right you are presented with a list of resources to share your account with new and existing users. This allows fellow users to find you online and trade with you. Friends will also thank you for introducing them to this great new concept and Pigee will reward you with points for doing so.


    All accounts are simultaneously both shopper and seller accounts. By clicking the three lines (menu button) on the top left of the app, you can select ‘VIEW AS SHOPPER/SELLER’ at the bottom of the pop out menu.

    To know which mode you are in, notice the Pigee button on the bottom footer menu changes colour. Pink is for Seller and blue is for Shopper.

    You have access to both modes so that you can both make purchases and also sell items without the need of a separate account.

    There are two other variations to be aware of. Only whilst in Seller mode can you be the owner or staff member of a shop. You can only be the owner or staff member of one shop at a time.

  • Currency

    Currency is set to your base currency. This can be set by you but is usually the base currency of your payment card or account. Such as £GBP if you are in the UK or Shillings if you are in Kenya.

    Whilst a seller will list their items in their own local currency you will each only see payments amounts in your own local currency. This will save you reaching for a calculator.

  • Language

    We want to open the world up to uninhibited communication. When you type in your chat window or describe an item that you list, it will be in your own language. When the person you are communicating with reads, it will be in their own language.

    You can however turn off auto translate if you wish.

  • Time

    There is nothing worse than turning up to a shop when it is closed or receiving messages when you are sleeping. So, business opening times along with all other time stamps are set to the user’s local time.

  • Prohibited Items

    The following articles are prohibited from shipment to all countries served by Pigee and their carriers:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Animal skins (non-domesticated)
    • Articles of exceptional value (eg, works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver)
    • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials (following IATA regulations for Express and Expedited, and following ADR regulations for Standard)
    • Firearms
    • Furs
    • Ivory and ivory products
    • Live animals
    • Money and negotiable items
    • Perishable goods
    • Personal effects (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • Plants
    • Pornographic materials
    • Seeds
    • Tobacco and tobacco products
    • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centres to selected countries)
    • All items considered illegal in the destination country.

    The following articles are generally prohibited from shipment (except by specific contract). Contact chosen carrier directly to confirm.

    • Unset precious stones and industrial diamonds.
    • Jewellery and watches (other than costume jewellery and costume watches) exceeding USD 500 or local currency equivalent per package.
    • Costume jewellery and costume watches: jewellery and watches for which the retail price is lower than USD 150 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s).

    Also prohibited are:

    Goods moving under ATA Carnet and all temporary exports and imports; goods moving under FCR, FCT and CAD (Cash Against Document); shipments with inherent vice, which by their nature are likely to soil, impair or damage persons, merchandise, or equipment; goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit, or destination (eg. ivory and ivory products), goods which attract excise duty (eg. spirits) or which require special facilities, safety precautions or permits. Under applicable law, certain goods may be transported only under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air (eg. liquids in glass containers).

    It is the shipper´s responsibility to comply with current government regulations or laws applicable in each country. Shipments are subject to inspection and possible delay by customs or representatives of other government authorities.

    We reserve the right to refuse or suspend transportation of any package which does not set out contact details for shipper and receiver and of goods which, in our opinion, are not practicable for transportation or are not adequately described, classified, or packed and labelled in a manner suitable for transportation and accompanied by necessary documentation.

    We will not transport any goods which are prohibited by law or regulation of any federal, state, or local government in the origin or destination countries or which may breach any applicable export, import or other laws or endanger the safety of our employees, agents and subcontractors or the means of transportation or, which in our opinion, soil, paint or otherwise damage other goods or equipment or which are economically or operationally impractical to transport.

    Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries.

    For more information contact your local related carrier office.

  • What is counterfeiting and piracy?

    The terms “piracy” and “counterfeiting” of goods refer to manufacturing, distributing and selling inferior copies of products which have been made without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder in the said goods. Inferior copies of goods are intended to appear similar to that of the original product and to be passed off as genuine items. However, the scope of goods differs in both violations. Piracy is the sale of unauthorised copies of usually copyrighted information such as music, films, television show etc. and counterfeiting refers to the selling of an inferior copy of a product like clothing items, bags etc. As these unauthorised inferior copies are circulated in the market, they hamper its original creator in more than one way.  It not only tarnishes the name of the creator but also harms them monetarily.

    Piracy and counterfeiting are two concepts, which are generally used to indicate intellectual property rights violations. Under both these violations, certain acts are carried out without the consent of the rights’ holder. Pirated and counterfeit products have profoundly contributed to intellectual property theft around the world. Governments across many countries along with international organisations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have been working tirelessly to fight against these violations and to strive for economic independence and progression. Counterfeit and pirated products cover virtually all areas of consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, food, books, films, music, compact disc, and textile material, and footwear, among others.

    The term ‘piracy’ is a colloquially used word for copyright infringement. It refers to an unauthorised reproduction or theft of someone’s creative work for financial gain. This illegal use results in violation of rights of copyright holder granted to them by law. Individuals and companies who develop new works ensure that they can profit from their creation; therefore, they register for copyright protection. The owner of the copyright may grant permission to other parties to use their work by giving them a license or assignment and charging a fee. However, there are several instances where someone may engage in use/reproduction/distribution/sale of copyrighted work without the creator’s permission and engage in copyright infringement. It is important to note that the ethos of copyright law is to protect the value of the creative work of a creator. When a person makes an unauthorised copy of someone’s original work, they are taking something of value from the owner without their permission, which is just like taking something tangible from a person without their consent like a pen, car, bag.

    This crime represents as much as 2.5 % of world trade, or USD 461 billion. Thus, rights holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole are suffering huge losses each year, while the criminal networks that are behind the trade profit enormously.

    The situation in the EU is even worse: counterfeited and pirated products account for about 5 % of imports to the EU. Thus the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for the developed economies of the EU as it is for the world as a whole.

    But the damage goes beyond the immediate impact of one and another loss. Counterfeiting and piracy are a threat to sustainable business models based on intellectual property and patenting, because they also discourage innovation and work against the economic growth that is based in it.

  • Our commitment

    The mission statement of Pigee is to ‘connect those excluded from the global commerce market’. This also means protecting the sanctity of the market. Whilst the world’s population and markets are growing, we want to play our part in keeping the global commerce market fair for everyone.

    All users are able to report items that should not be sold via the Pigee marketplace. This includes counterfeit products that breach the IP of those who have created the originals.

  • Action against breaches

    Pigee will follow its internal policy to report such items and to suspend the accounts of those who try to manufacture, sell, or ship them using our platform.

  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click Create account from the login page.

    You can decide to use email, phone number or one of the social login choices such as Facebook or Google.

    [vplayer id=’467′]

  • How do I reset my password?
    1. Click reset password at the login screen. Enter your email or phone number. You will then be sent a password reset link to your requested device. Follow the instructions and make sure you save your new password somewhere safe and secure.
  • Which carrier will ship my items?
    1. Each location has a preferred shipping partner. Usually, a global shipper such as FedEx or UPS, but local shipping companies will be offered if their pricing and service quality is better. The most suitable shipping company will automatically be selected as part of your order, but you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu list if you prefer.
  • Is Pigee available in my country?
    1. Pigee is available in the following countries:
    United States

    United Kingdom












    China – Shopper only


    Costa Rica



    Czech Republic


    Dominic Republic






    Ghana – Shopper only


    Hong Kong SAR China












    Malaysia – Shopper only




    New Zealand

    Nigeria – Shopper only













    Trinidad & Tobago

    United Arab Emirates

  • My shop was verified but now it says unverified. Why?
    1. Our verification standards will improve over time. Your documents may no longer meet the standards of verification. Verification of user identity is important especially for shop owners so customers are treated fairly an feel confident of their transaction being delivered.

    If you become unverified you will need to upload new documents. You can speak with support directly from your app for additional help.

  • Are my purchases insured and by who?
    1. Yes, by your chosen shipping partner such as FedEx or UPS, but only for the declared value of the purchased item. Our shipping partners do not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance.

    The Declared Value for Carriage of any Package represents maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information relating to the Shipment.

    Exposure to and risk of any loss in excess of the Declared Value for Carriage is assumed by the Sender.

  • How do I file an insurance claim?
    1. Make an insurance claim directly with your chosen shipping partner by clicking the corresponding link below.
  • What happens if my purchase is not posted?
  • What if my item arrives damaged?
  • Will I be charged duty by customs when I receive the item?
  • How can I make a withdrawal once I complete a transaction?
  • How long till I can make a withdrawal?
  • How do I share Pigee with friends?
  • How do I close my account?
  • Can I trust a seller to post my item?
  • What are Pigee points?
  • What are the achievement levels?
  • What do the leagues mean?
  • FAQ
  • How to post an order

    To let the shipping company know there is an order ready to be collected, you need to “Add a photo” of your parcel and then click “Send”.

    Ensure you are in Seller mode with the pink Pigee button on the footer.

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the footer menu.
    2. Click ‘Send items’.
    3. Select the order by pressing its next arrow.
    4. Select ‘Add Photo’ at the top
    5. Take a photo of the packaged product/s
    6. Click ‘Send’ at the top.
    7. Choose parcel type if requested.
    8. Click ‘Confirm” on send order popup
    9. Select print shipping label.

    Follow the instructions and print or save the shipping label to display to the collection person. If you do not have a printer write the reference number clearly on the parcel.
    Shipping label reference

    Watch this video to see how to send an order.